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Unit 3:

The Industrial Age in America

Here are a couple videos that highlight some important concepts.



Robber Barons or Captains of Industry?

The Jungle & The Progressive Era


Read as a class. Read the "Health" portion of "Health and the Environment" on pgs 320-322. Read "The Muckrakers" pgs 326-327 & answer ?#1 pg 327. Write a 5pt Paragraph using a thesis of your design.

Political Cartoons

I. Choose ONE cartoon from the Political Cartoons document and complete the Cartoon Analysis h/o.  


II.Create your own political cartoon by following the instructions on the Political Cartoon Rubric.  

These student examples represent the Traingle Shirtwaist Fire.

When you create your political cartoon, you can choose any topic EXCEPT the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire.

Consider: Working Conditions, Environmental Impact of the Industrial Revolution, Child Labor, Unions, Captains of Industry (or Robber Barons), Immigration, Nativism, Politics, Urbanization, etc.

Urbanization PPT

Suggested Movies

Click on either image above and it will send you to the youtube link where you can rent the Industrial Revolution Era film, with parent permission of course.

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